Anatomy of a NoteThe close box (top left corner) closes a note (but does not delete it) the same way a Finder window is closed. The boxes in the top right corner: the one on the right will toggle the note between a title bar and a note; the other will adjust the width and height of a note to the optimal. The grow corner (lower right) allows you to adjust the note size incrementally by dragging. You can drag note around the screen via the title bar or an invisible border at the right and bottom. |
Text Editor in a NoteText editor in the note supports all standard features and also some other (listed below):
Note can be locked to prevent modifications. In this case you won't be able to resize pictures and change the switcher state. You can toggle the locked state and change the color of a note by using the "Note" menu. Creating a new NoteTo create a new note, choose New Note from the file menu or type
Command-N. A Yellow note will appear. You can specify in the preferences
whether to place the date and time in a newly created note or
not. Deleting NotesTo delete a note, select it in Notes List and choose Delete from
the File menu or invoke Command-K. To delete an opened note just
delete it's content and close the window - the note will be deleted. Exporting Text from a noteTo save a note's text as a Simple Text file choose Save Text As... from the File menu. You can export any portion of a note using the Clipboard or Drag and Drop. Note, that embedded objects will only be seen in WASTE-based applications (one exception - aliases won't be seen in any other applications, since Gramotki use very different method of handling such objects). List of applications that use WASTE framework to handle text editing can be found on The WASTE Page. Exporting all notes as text filesTo export all notes as text files choose Export Notes Storage... from the file menu. Dialog box will appear asking you to create new folder, where all the notes (except encrypted) will be saved. Importing Text to a noteTo import text file into a note choose Insert Text... from the File menu. This will import into Gramotki any Simple Text or WASTE-based text file including any embedded objects. (Note that embedded desktop items created in other WASTE-based applications will import correctly). Placing Desktop Item Into a NoteTo place desktop item into a note you can drag the file, folder, or application's icon from any Finder windows or from the desktop onto the desired note. You can even drag another Notes Storage File onto a note. (Please note that launching a different Notes Storage File will automatically close the current file and open the desired one). The original file/folder/application is not copied into a Gramotki note, hence an alias is established from which to launch the file, folder, or application. If you drag the alias to the note, it will be resolved. Option-doubleclick on alias will switch icon size. Placing Switcher Into a NoteYou currently have only one way to place switcher in a note - hold down shift key while creating new note. This will create note with all of switchers inserted in it. You can then move any switcher to another note. |
Placing Link to an other Note Into a NoteSelect one or more notes in Notes List then drag and drop them in Note. Small icons representing links will appear, followed by the first line excerpt from trgaet note. Encrypted NotesYou can encrypt notes (simple encryption) with simmetric key (i.e. one key used to encrypt and to decrypt a note). There will be no access to the encrypted note from previous versions or otherwise. If you forgot the key you'll only be able to delete note. To encrypt/decrypt note use Encrypted... in the Edit menu. The First line of note isn't encrypted and may be used as a glue for key or description of content. When you'll search in all notes Gramotki will look only in the first line of an encrypted note. Split NoteYou can split note at an insertion point position in two using the Split command in the Edit menu. All the text after insertion point will be erased from current note, new note will be created and the text will be pasted there. If some text will be selected only this text will be cut off the note and appear in new one. |